AUTHOR: Beth Lickert

Disneyland is For Lovers

Let’s start this beautiful California morning in the Downtown Disney District at Starbucks. Perhaps beautiful Belle would have chosen Gaston over the Beast if he’d had opted for a tall salted caramel mocha latte with two pumps of vanilla instead of five dozen eggs? This particular Starbucks is located closest to the main entrance of Disneyland Park, right Disneyland is For Lovers

My Worst Disneyland Trip EVER! (But Still Rather Magical, Of Course)

There are no bad days at Disneyland (it’s scientifically proven – I’m pretty sure); however, I’d like to share with you the debacle that was The Lickert Family Vacation Fail. Kinda. The Flights First off, my husband Tom and I were traveling with our two children, Abby and Chloe, who were ages four and two respectively My Worst Disneyland Trip EVER! (But Still Rather Magical, Of Course)

What to Wear in Disneyland (Not Made by Mice or a Fairy Godmother)

Well, you’ve booked your flight, made hotel reservations, bragged to anyone who will listen that you will be in Disneyland in 37 days, 4 hours, 6 minutes and 42 seconds (41, 40, 39…..), booked priority seating at your favorite restaurants, and robbed a bank to pay for the Parkhoppers. Now for more important matters – What to Wear in Disneyland (Not Made by Mice or a Fairy Godmother)

How do you (force your family to) get excited for Disneyland? Here’s what I do!

Cast of Characters: Me: 39 (mom) Daddy: 44 Kid: 10 Other Kid: 8 Full-court press begins after the new year. For rest of my family that is. Disneyland is on MY mind approximately 24/6 (even God took a day off). For them it’s when the glimmer of the Christmas gifts begin to dull, the Elf on How do you (force your family to) get excited for Disneyland? Here’s what I do!