Disney's Kilimanjaro Safaris loses poaching storyline
Leah Zanolla | Posted: Feb 11, 2012 | Updated:
Oct 19, 2014 - 9:25:27 AM
Changes are coming this fall to
Kilimanjaro Safaris at
Disney's Animal Kingdom. This attraction takes guests on a safari ride through a 100-acre savannah full of free-roaming animals. It is a guest favorite, who love seeing the 34 species of animals. This spring, the poaching storyline in the ride will be removed, by taking out the "Little Red" audio-animatronic elephant who has been captured by poachers. A new savannah area will be created here instead and have a watering hole for zebra, who aren't often seen on the Safaris because of their location. Work will begin in March and will be done by fall. The attraction will not close during this refurbishment.