Disneyland News

Disney to Begin a Review of Guest Assistance Card Abuse

by Leah Zanolla
May 31, 2013

Disney has initiated a review of Guest Assistance Card abuse after a reporter's undercover investigation into the practice of hiring disabled tour guides.

NBC News hired two different tour guides off of Craigslist who used their Guest Assistance Cards to access alternate entrances and lines for quicker access to attractions. One guide, who got her pass after a car accident, charged $50 an hour. The other guide, who declined to state his injury or condition, charged a flat $200.

When confronted later, both guides were unapologetic.

Disney has began cracking down and is sending out warning letters to anyone advertising their services online. Any disabled tour guides caught in the act will have their Guest Assistance Card revoked and be banned from the Parks.

Here is Disney's statement:

"We find it deplorable that people would hire the disabled to abuse accommodations that were designed to permit our guests with disabilities to enjoy their time in the parks. We have initiated a review of this abuse and will take appropriate steps to deter this type of unacceptable activity."

The American Association of People with Disabilities noted Disney's great track record on accommodating people with disabilities, but agreed that the practice is abusive and should be stopped.

From their statement:

"This situation goes to show that money may buy a lot, but apparently civility and respect are not among those things."