At the Magic Kingdom the forecourt of the castle will be the stage for Cinderellabration. This popular musical is from Tokyo Disneyland. It features ornate costumes and elaborate sets as the cast of Disney Princesses celebrate the coronation of Cinderella. Click Here for pictures of Cinderellabration
In honor of Disneyland’s 50th anniversary, each Disney theme park is celebrating by sharing something with another park. From the Tokyo Disneyland Resort, Disney World has gotten Cinderellabration (ok…this making my spell check function crazy), a stage show which takes place in the Castle’s forecourt.
The premise of the show is that Cinderella (to be referred to as Cindy from here on….we’re good friends….it’s ok) is going to be crowned Princess of the Magic Kingdom and that we are invited to her Coronation.
In preparation for this new show, and in honor of the Happiest Celebration on Earth promotion, Walt Disney World has decorated Cindy’s Castle. Now, before the screaming, gasping and clutching of pearls begins…..let me tell you….the Castle looks AMAZING. There are those of us who still have nightmares over the giant cupcake fiasco for the 25th anniversary, when it was decided to paint our beloved Castle pink and stick giant plastic candies to the walls. (can you tell I hated it?) Be relieved, this is nothing like that.
I’m going to describe it, but the pictures speak for themselves. They have taken Cindy’s Castle and made it look like something out of a fairy tale. There are gold twirly things around the spires and gold, carved floral bunting around the tops of the turrets. There are even several Disney characters atop the castle, all done in gold. (The 50th anniversary is referred to as the Golden Anniversary, in case you didn’t get the symbolism). On the front of the Castle is the mirror from Snow White (mirror, mirror, on the wall….got it?) but it’s GIANT sized. It is going to show other Castle’s in other Disney World parks (you’ll get this in a minute…be patient). It looks truly wonderful.
In addition to a new look for the Castle, there has been some modifications to the hub in front of the castle. This is where you can find the “Partners” statue of Walt holding Mickey’s hand. The large magnolia trees have been taken out and the raised planters which were there, are gone. The “Partners” statue remains the centerpiece. While there is no longer a wall, there is still delineation showing that this is indeed, the center of it all. These changes offer many more viewing opportunities, not just for the new show, but for parades and fireworks as well.
Onto the show itself. As the show begins, we are told that we are guests of the Royal Family and that there is a very special occasion. Cindy is to be crowned Princess of the Magic Kingdom and there is to be a celebration.
There are dancing ladies in red and green gowns and dancing men in royal attire. Cindy is announced and comes out and thanks us all for coming to her party. We are told that there are Princesses here from other Magic Kingdoms for the festivities.(This is where the giant magic mirror shows the other Castles). Snow White and “her Prince” (does he have a name?), Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip, Princess Jasmine and Aladdin and Belle and her Prince are all in attendance. There is more dancing and singing and Cindy is crowned. She takes her place alongside her prince and as the music swells, the platform they are standing on rises about 10 feet. As a finale there are fireworks (very minor) and the show is over.
Cinderellabration will be shown several times a day. It’s my opinion that unless you have little girls in need of a Princess fix, this is something you can catch as you meander through the park. The best part of this presentation is the Castle decorations and they can seen any time and from pretty much anywhere. So if this is your thing….enjoy it….otherwise…. don’t lose you place in line for Space Mountain.