Anyone else have a huge apothecary jar in their bathroom that’s full of the individual bath products from Disney Resorts? No? Just me?
Well, it seems as though Walt Disney World is testing a different way of providing bath products to their guests by using large bottles of their H2O+ bath products mounted to the shower wall at certain Resorts that will stop the saving of those adorable little bottles and mini-soaps. The photos floating around online show what appears to be a locking contraption that covers the part where the tops come off the bottles so they cannot be tampered with by other guests, but many posters on DISboards.com are still concerned.
Poster, ‘justreading‘ says, “Nope, won’t do it. I only want to use items where I break the seal. Will not use these shared items. Who knows who put what in there. Won’t do it.”
“I would personally rather be the only person who touched my toiletries. I’ve witnessed way too many people exiting bathrooms at Disney (and everywhere) without washing their hands – and that’s with people watching them. I don’t want to think about them touching my shared shower soap” says poster ‘barbliny.’
Actually, poster ‘fbb‘ might have one of those apothecary jars like me as they say “People who use my upstairs guest bathroom will lament this change…in about thirty years, when my current stash runs out.”
Poster ‘tcufrog‘ makes a good point in saying, “I recently stayed at a high end hotel in Boston that had that setup. I liked it because I could use as much as I wanted (I have thick hair that sucks up shampoo) and the bottles were in a convenient spot with pumps instead of shake or squeeze openings.”
Poster ‘CrankyDad‘ doesn’t seem to think it’s a bad idea at all and says, “Save Disney a ton of money, so good idea. Plus less waste, garbage etc. Win/win”
Personally, I’m all for it too. I happen to love the H2O+ products, but the little bottles are really hard to squeeze all the product out of. Some posters seem to think that this move is a cost-saving one by Disney, but I don’t feel that way. Disney won’t be able to control how much of the products guests actually use with a setup like this. If you think about it, guests could use twice as much – if not more – than they were able to use with the individual bottles. I think it’s got more to do with not creating so much waste.
That’s just my 2¢. What’s yours?
Let us know in the comments below or join the discussion either on our Facebook page or in the thread entitled, “In Room H2O Products Now in Large Shareable Bottles?!” on the Disney Resorts board at DISboards.com.