In an effort to share everything we can that could help laid off Walt Disney World cast members, a bit of news came out this afternoon that some may find helpful.
During a news conference earlier today, Mayor Jerry Demings stated that Orange County residents will have another chance to apply for assistance via the CARES Act.
The county reportedly has $56 million in leftover federal CARES Act money allowing that portal to begin accepting applications on October 12th and again on October 24th.
In the press conference, Demings said,
So far we have allocated, invested nearly $30 million to approximately 30,000 households. We will continue to do that with another round of $30 million. The program will provide a one time payment of $1,000 per household for residents affected by COVID-19, to help bridge financial gaps. At this time, it’s important to note the residents who have already received funding from the individual and family assistance program, are not eligible for this round.
Details on Orange County’s Individual and Family Assistance program including how to apply can be found at ocfl.net/OrangeCARES.