Every so often theme park enthusiasts get a stark reminder to be cautious about private third-party ticket sellers; today’s reminder involves the theft of a trailer in California and a large number of no-longer-valid tickets.
The California Highway Patrol has a search underway for a cargo trailer that was originally bound for the 90th Annual State FFA Leadership Conference in Southern California. The trailer contained awards, audio/visual equipment, and registration materials for 7,000 FFA members. Not only that, but 8,000 tickets to Disneyland were also on board.
Theft from a youth organization is tragic, and the loss of the trailer’s cargo has undoubtedly been difficult for the FFA members. As far as the tickets are concerned, though, Disney has already cancelled the stolen ones and promised to replace them. The California Highway Patrols urges prospective Disneyland guests to exercise caution when purchasing tickets from private sellers.
The CHP is on the lookout for the trailer, described as a “white, double-axle, enclosed Wells Cargo trailer with license plate number 4KJ1127,” which according to security footage was stolen by a “dark-colored, long-bed pickup truck with an extended cab.”
Source: FoxNews