AUTHOR: Alexa Erekson

Alexa Erekson has been a theme park fan since before she can remember--especially regarding Disney Parks. In 2017, she published her first theme park book and she's been a passionate theme park writer ever since. She feels lucky to live only four hours from Disneyland. However, she wishes she could live down the street! The magic of theme parks has always been the perfect escape for her. Now, she loves contributing to that enchanting escapism for theme park fans worldwide.

Exciting Updates From Disneyland’s Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

Tiana's Bayou Tank 2023

Of all the changes coming to Disneyland, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is the most highly anticipated. Imagineers are adding the final touches. Here’s what we know. Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Construction Updates Guests have been anxious to see what the new attraction will be like. As construction continues, each new day brings us closer to finding out! Exciting Updates From Disneyland’s Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

History of the Disneyland Halloween Tree You Never Noticed

Disneyland Halloween Tree

Guests may have noticed the Disneyland Halloween Tree in Frontierland. Only a few know its significance in Disney history, or why it is fully decorated year-round. The History of the Disneyland Halloween Tree In Frontierland, there is a tree that is decorated for Halloween all year round. There are pumpkin ornaments and orange lights strung History of the Disneyland Halloween Tree You Never Noticed