The Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced that the new original short film, Once Upon A Studio, shown at Destination D23, will premiere during The Wonderful World of Disney: Disney’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. This special TV show will air on ABC at 8/7c on October 15th.
ABC is celebrating 100 years of Disney this fall with an evening of magical programming hosted by Kelly Ripa. ABC will begin the evening with an episode of AFV, followed by a lineup that will include exclusive moments featuring Kelly Ripa and sneak peeks at upcoming Disney projects.
About ‘Once Upon a Studio’
An all-star ensemble of beloved characters from Walt Disney Animation Studios come together in Once Upon a Studio for a joyful, entertaining and emotional reunion as they assemble for a spectacular group photo to mark Disney’s 100th anniversary. Featuring 543 Disney characters from more than 85 feature-length and short films, Once Upon a Studio welcomes heroes and villains, princes and princesses, sidekicks and sorcerers—in all-new hand-drawn and CG animation—to celebrate 10 decades of storytelling, artistry and technological achievements. Directed by Dan Abraham and Trent Correy and produced by Yvett Merino and Bradford Simonsen, Once Upon a Studio makes it broadcast debut on ABC on Oct. 15, 2023.
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Take a look at the short’s official trailer below.
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