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Walt Disney World Offering Canadian Residents 20% Discounts for Park Tickets

Walt Disney World Offering Canadian Residents 20% Discounts for Park Tickets image1 (24)

For the upcoming holiday season, Walt Disney World is offering Canadian guests a special discount on park tickets. Canadian residents will receive this discount if they purchase tickets between November 1, 2017 and February 10, 2018. The tickets will be valid between November 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018.

The 20% discount applies to park ticket packages of 4 days or longer. Here’s the full list of discounts:

4-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $280 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $350 USD

5-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $296 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $370 USD

6-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $312 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $395 USD

7-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $328 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $410 USD

8-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $336 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $420 USD

9-day ticket:

Canadian Resident Special Offer Price: $344 USD

Non-Discounted Price: $430 USD

Source: Walt Disney World


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