Disney has been focused on the live-action remake world recently, and it has been met with a sea of disappointment and criticism. Time after time, Disney has tried to reframe their animated story-telling in a live-action setting only to be crushed by an excess of fan feelings before the film even hits the theatres. I thought this might be a good opportunity to think about this from the other side. Are there any live-action films from Disney that you would like to see animated?
Moving between the two film-making techniques offers a different level of storytelling, appealing to a new audience with a chance to update the storyline and character dynamics to suit a more modern demand. There are many older Disney movies that have wonderful messages, and it would be fabulous to re-launch them in a more current setting, though a simple re-make might feel a bit intrusive. I started to wonder if perhaps the same technique could be useful in reverse, taking live-action and creating an animated rendition.
If you could see one movie re-released in an animated setting, what would it be? For me, I would love to see a technologically advanced-looking version of The Swiss Family Robinson. This adventurous story is a timeless tale of family and commitment that could appeal to children on a more direct level if a new animated version were released.