Disney 100 Articles and News Stories

New Disney100 Decades Collection: 1930s On Sale!

Disney Decades Collection 1930s

Welcome to the second release of the Disney Decades Collection. The first installment of this merchandise series that celebrates the Disney100 Anniversary was based on the black-and-white simplicity of the 1920s. Today’s limited merch release, the 1930s, welcomes Snow White to the celebration and the first Mickey Mouse cartoon created in color from Walt Disney’s New Disney100 Decades Collection: 1930s On Sale!

The Immersive ‘Disney Wonder of Friendship, the Experience’ Coming to London

Disney Wonder of Friendship

The Disney100 celebration is off to a fantastic start around the world, with exciting new events popping up all over the world. Earlier in the week, we showed you the latest from Sydney, Australia; now it is time to hop back up to the northern hemisphere and see what is happening in London, UK! An The Immersive ‘Disney Wonder of Friendship, the Experience’ Coming to London