Disney is looking for a screenwriter to work on a film based on Tower of Terror, the popular ride from Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney California Adventure. John August (Big Fish) and Jim Whitaker pitched the idea and will produce the big-screen adaptation. According to Deadline, “it’s being developed as a freestanding movie at Warner Bros., produced by Appian Way with Joseph Kosinski.”
The story goes that “five people in a posh hotel take an elevator and disappear after it is hit by lightning.”
A TV version aired in 1997 starring Steve Guttenberg and Kirsten Dunst.
News source: Deadline
Leah grew up in a little farming town in Illinois, right on the Mississippi River. Her Chicago-born husband, David, left the city for her, and they're now raising their three children (Jacob, Jonah and Lydia) just 12 miles from her hometown. As the Senior Editor of the DIS (wdwinfo.com), Leah spends a lot of time writing about, reading about, and discussing Disney. So, it should come as no surprise that one of her family's favorite ways to spend time is going to Walt Disney World and traveling on Disney Cruise Line. She also enjoys shopping, watching movies with her husband and doing crafts with and for her kids.