Guests visiting Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa can now visit with Moana during a new premium experience!
The brand new experience, “Kakamora Chaos with Moana,” takes place at Aunty’s Beach House. During the 90-minute experience, Moana is anxious to find out more about her newly-made friends including what kinds of games they enjoy playing. Moana will also teach young guests children’s games from Hawaii including the Kakamora Relay, a game from her home island of Motunui.
Moana can also be seen along with Aulani Resort’s popular storyteller “Uncle” during their discussion on the importance of the canoe—or wa‘a—during Kahakai Canoe Racing. The interactive activity concludes after building a canoe model and racing in the lagoon!
Each evening, guests can enjoy relaxing around the fire pit while Moana and Uncle narrate their adventures during Mo‘olelo Firepit Storytelling. Guests who attend the KA WA‘A lū‘au can see Moana when she comes out during the spirited pre-show, “which pays homage to the incredible journey the Hawaiian people made across the ocean.”
This premium experience is for children ages 3-12 and the cost is $59 plus tax. Advance reservations for “Kakamora Chaos with Moana” are strongly recommended and can be made by calling (808) 674-6200.
Source: Disney Parks Blog