Zootopia Articles and News Stories

Opening Season + Special Look at ‘Zootopia: Better Zoogether!’ Coming to Disney World

Walt Disney World shared that the new Zootopia: Better Zoogether! show that is replacing It’s Tough to be a Bug in the Tree of Life Theater on Discovery Island will debut this Winter at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park. Additionally, we have our first behind-the-scenes look as Ginnifer Goodwin records audio for the show. Take Opening Season + Special Look at ‘Zootopia: Better Zoogether!’ Coming to Disney World

‘Encanto’ & ‘Indiana Jones’ Considered for Animal Kingdom; New ‘Zootopia’ Show Coming

During the “A Celebration of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” presentation at Destination D23, Disney Chairman Josh D’Amaro confirmed that they are “diving deep into their research” for expanding Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park. Zootopia will be coming to life at Animal Kingdom as well, but not as we hoped. A ‘Encanto’ & ‘Indiana Jones’ Considered for Animal Kingdom; New ‘Zootopia’ Show Coming

New Attraction & Dining Details Released for Shanghai Disney’s ‘Zootopia’

The countdown to Destination D23 is on, and Disney is set to release exciting new updates throughout the week ahead of the event. We were expecting to hear new information about the Zootopia-themed land that is coming to Shanghai Disney Resort, and it has finally arrived! Let’s take a sneak peek at what guests in Shanghai can New Attraction & Dining Details Released for Shanghai Disney’s ‘Zootopia’